The Mommy Adventure

Who ever thought that being a Mom would be boring, trivial, mundane, etc?!!!  Only the world!  I, on the other hand, think it’s one of the biggest, craziest, zaniest, silliest, wildest adventures of life!

For example, my morning consisted of getting three boys ready to head out the door by 8:30 a.m., doing the “sniff” test for dirty diapers before leaving, changing a “blow out”, dropping Will off at pre-school at 9:00 a.m., getting a quick $6.99 hair cut, arriving at 10:02 a.m. for ladies’ Bible study, leaving by 11:15 a.m., picking Will up at 11:30 a.m., heading home to feed three boys lunch and myself as an after thought, packing up the boys again at 1:00 p.m. or a little later, arriving by 1:30 p.m. at Budget Rentals for returning the rental car, trying to pay for the car while one boy is turning off lights, the other boy is grabbing brochures and the baby is drooling on brochures, waiting for them to give us a ride back, trying to buckle in two boys and then seeing the other boy climbing the door, grabbing him from disaster, buckling him, finishing the other two, getting home, unlocking the house and unloading stuff, then returning to unload the baby, putting him in the house, making sure gates are up and doors are closed, going back out to unbuckle the two older boys, unbuckling them and sending them to the porch (don’t trust them in the house by themselves), trying to unbuckle car seats that are jammed into the back of a car, hearing an exclamation from the driver, seeing my one son on the road, grabbing him and giving him a firm rebuke, grabbing the other son and buckling him on the porch in the one unsecured car seat, looking over my shoulder constantly to check on other boy while trying to unbuckle other car seats, catching my one son climbing the porch railing to the ceiling, running and grabbing him, buckling him into a car seat, trying to release safety latches on last car seat that are not designed for easy removal, seeing my one son getting out of his car seat on the porch, finally getting the car seat loose, getting the two boys inside along with three carseats while at the same time constantly picking up Luke who is crawling outside every time the door opens, feeling very tired at this point, getting all three boys upstairs after administering corrections, trying to “juggle” getting all three boys down at once for naps while nursing and changing diapers and getting them to go potty, getting them down, answering the phone, coming back to check on boys, finding them out of their beds, beds completely devoid of bedding, Drew sitting on Will’s bed with the mattress pad protector wrapped around his throat, Will sitting in a poopy Pull-up, cleaning up the messes, taking care of boys, heading back downstairs, grabbing a water, calling a lawyer (not over the boys), calling a lady from the Bible study group to look for my missing Bible, heading to bed for a much needed nap, getting up, starting dishes, getting stuff together for the wedding this weekend, waking the boys up from their naps, working on feeding Luke, fixing supper, working on dishes some more, feeding boys, playing games with the boys, giving Will a hair cut, giving all three boys a bath, nursing Luke, getting the boys down for bed, heading downstairs at 9:30 p.m., calling to say my memory verse for this week to my partner, cleaning up the kitchen at 9:50 p.m., packing Jonathan’s lunch for tomorrow, vacuuming the family room and kitchen at 10:30+ p.m., and finally sitting down to blog at 10:45 p.m.  Now, I hear Jonathan is finally home!  The life of a working man and grad. student!  It’s off to bed to prepare for another busy day.  I love my bed!!!  🙂

Stranded with Luke!

Luke and I had quite an adventure this past Sunday.  We took our minivan into the mechanics for preventive maintenance over the weekend and got it back Saturday.  Nothing was wrong with our vehicle.  On Sunday when I was traveling to VA with Luke, I started to hear the sound of something flapping.  The noise got louder, and then the service lights came on.  I immediately pulled over at the side of the D.C. beltway.  We called AAA, and I waited for two hours with Luke until they came.  It then took another two hours until we got home.  Luke was a pleasant baby — not fussing that much and calmed by taking him for a walk.

Ring-Bearer or Something Else?

The other day, I was talking to Will about being a ring bearer since he will be one in just eight days!  Will said, “I don’t want to be a ring bearer.  I want to be a hoop-de-de-day.”  I asked him what that is.  He said, “It’s someone who throws ‘waber’ (water) on everyone and gets everyone wet.”  He then said, “Aunt Laurie should be a clown” [at the wedding].  Silly boy!

Daunting Task!

Yesterday was the day I had the minivan since Jonathan carpooled so I could take Will to pre-school.  I left our house at 8:37 a.m. to drop Will off at pre-school, we arrived 10 mins. early so I had time to “adjust” him, went to the library to return books and get new ones for the family, went to Target for bridal shower and wedding gifts and other gifts, got some groceries at BJ’s, returned to pick up Will, went to Super Fresh to get some more groceries, and finally went to Aldis for the rest of the groceries.  While we were unloading the groceries on the belt to pay, Drew told me he had to go potty.  I don’t know how other mothers do it, but I knew that there was no way I was going to try to reload my whole cart again, run with three kids to the bathroom after it had been unlocked, and still try to make it to the potty in time.  At one point while shopping, I looked down and saw Drew’s diaper around his ankle.  Don’t ask me how that happened, but I had to stop and fix it in the store.  It was also interesting trying to shop at Aldis with one cart, one buckled seat, and three kids.  As we headed to the parking lot with our full cart, my heavy cart “got away” from me and rolled into a very steep drainage “hole”.  I had my hands on the cart at all times, but it was so heavy and on such a steep grade that I couldn’t keep from losing part of my load on the bottom of the cart.  That was interesting!  We finally got home, but I still had a full carload of groceries, books, and gifts — not to mention kids.  Plus, they were all hungry, needing diaper changes or potty trips, and needing to take naps right then.  Yet, I still had loads of stuff to bring in.  I kept thinking how much I needed at least another pair of hands, probably more like two pairs.  Those are the times, I feel so overwhelmed and feel exhausted just thinking about managing it all.  I did get everything done, but the kids didn’t go down for naps until 2:30, didn’t fall asleep completely until 3:30, and bed time was then messed up and didn’t happen until 10:20 p.m.  I was with the kids the entire time.  I never knew before kids how daunting grocery shopping can be!

Pre-school Playtime

Today, I played memory games with the boys, they made crowns from construction paper, and we played memory games with numbers and then with letters.  It was a fun way to help the boys recognize numbers and letters.  Will asked to make the crowns yesterday so we made them today.  The boys were given kiddie scissors, stickers, washable markers, and construction paper.  I especially enjoyed the memory games.  It’s a fun way for even Mom to review with kids.

Some Silly Sayings…

Yesterday as Son-D was sitting on the potty, waiting to go, He kept saying, “It’s coming.  It’s coming!  Pees coming.”  Finally, he said, “It’s hiding.”

Yesterday, Son-W1 had sneezed all over a pear slice.  Son-W1 told our company that they could eat his pear and share his germs.  He said, “You can have my two germs.”  My husband said, “Just two?!”  🙂  Some sharing we can do without…

A New Version of an Old Game

I play a game of “Ribbety, ribbety Ree.  I see something you don’t see…” with the boys to teach them their colors.  When it came time for Will to sing the song, he sang this version of it, “Ribbety, ribbety, Ree, I don’t see something you may see…”  Very cute!  He proudly ran around picking colors and getting them correct.  Drew still needs more work on his colors though.   I definitely have lots of “job security.”  🙂

Toilet Brush Bath

Yesterday, I stepped out on our front porch to say good bye to our babysitter while our boys were sitting on their potties.  I came back inside to find water on the floor, my Bath & Body Works’ lotion on the toilet seat and in the toilet, and Drew waving the toilet bowl brush around.  His head was wet and what the boys proudly told me was that Drew had “washed” his hair with the toilet brush, toilet water, and my lotion.  What will they think of next?!!