“Out of the Mouth of Babes”

This morning while entering receipts, I could hear the boys having a discussion over their breakfast.  It went something like this:

Luke: “God loves Daddy.”  Drew: “God loves Daddy and everyone else.”  Luke: “Just Daddy.”  Drew: “No, God loves everyone — even when people hurt Him; Daddy and Mommy told me that.  That’s why Jesus died on the cross because He loves us. “

L’s 3-Year Checkup

Here are L’s measurements for his 3-year checkup:

The doctor said that he will probably be somewhere around 5 ft. 10-11 inches in manhood — very similar to daddy.  🙂

L weighed 34.7 pounds

L was 37 3/4 inches tall.  He actually appeared to be 38 inches to me, but that’s what the nurse wrote down.

This is how he compares to everyone else at the same age:

Daddy: 37 1/2 inches; 32 pounds

Will: 40 inches; 40 pounds

Drew: 38 1/2 inches; 34 pounds